Cutera Excel Laser Redness Reducer

Eliminate vein imperfections and redness by using light energy, targeting blood vessels without damaging the surrounding skin tissue. Cutera Excel Laser Vein Removal is FDA cleared for permanent hair reduction and safe for all skin types. The Excel hand piece cools and soothes as it glides along the skin disabling the hair currently in the active growth cycle. A minimum of 6 treatments is required to receive optimal results. However, multiple factors such as hair thickness, the size of the area treated and your hair’s growth cycle could determine additional treatments.

Excel V is an advanced aesthetic technology that uses powerfully precise lasers to target and eliminate vascular concerns like redness, unsightly veins, acne scars, and benign and pigmented lesions such as age spots, sun spots, and discoloration on the face and body. 

Excel V addresses common aesthetic and dermatologic skin concerns by using precision laser treatments to target the depth and color of your skin to give you a clean, beautiful complexion. 

We will discuss a customized treatment plan with you to figure out how many treatments are needed, so call us to schedule your consultation today!

Laser Genesis

Before your next close-up, boost your skin’s appearance with Laser Genesis. Laser Genesis can make you proud to share your image. Micro-pulses of laser energy activate collagen remodeling to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and diminish the signs of aging such as facial redness and brown spots. The result is a glowing complexion.

Laser Genesis is a non-invasive laser used to help restore a youthful glow by stimulating the skin’s collagen production. This improves fine line wrinkles, diffused redness, enlarged pores, and uneven tone and texture. Visible results are subtle and progressive with each treatment. Collagen continues to build for a few months after your last treatment with an overall effect of a healthier complexion. A series of 4-6 treatments is recommended for optimal results. Laser Genesis has no downtime and is safe for all skin types.

FAQs on Laser Genesis

What is laser genesis?

Laser Genesis is a breakthrough laser treatment that stimulates the skin’s natural processes to reverse the signs of aging and sun damage and promote a vibrant, healthy looking complexion.

How does laser genesis work?

Micro-pulses of laser energy activate collagen remodeling to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and target unwanted brown spots and facial redness. Although the individual treatment results are subtle, the overall effect of a treatment series can be quite dramatic.

What are the benefits of laser genesis?

Laser Genesis helps restore your skin’s youthful glow and appearance by improving common concerns like facial redness, brown spots, and fine lines and wrinkles. With quick treatments and no downtime, Laser Genesis can fit into your busy schedule and is considered the perfect lunchtime procedure by many patients.

What areas can be treated?

Laser Genesis is an ideal treatment for the face and neck, and other areas of the body with noticeable signs of aging, sun damage, or scarring.

How many treatments are required?

A series of six Laser Genesis treatments are recommended to achieve an optimal outcome, and ongoing maintenance treatments are encouraged to sustain results over time. Your medical esthetician will discuss a treatment plan during your consultation.

What does laser genesis feel like?

You experience a gentle warming of your skin’s surface during the procedure. Patients often describe the treatment as relaxing and therapeutic.

What are possible side effects?

You may notice a slight redness which resolves within a few hours. You can apply sunscreen and makeup and return to your normal daily activities immediately.

Is laser genesis for me?

If you have been seeking a quick, no-downtime procedure to gently improve your overall complexion that gives you that camera-ready appearance, Laser Genesis is the treatment for you!

Cutera Excel Laser PhotoRejuvenation


We all want to look good in pictures, but skin imperfections such as facial redness, blemishes, discoloration, and scarring can make us feel less confident. Our PhotoRejuvenation treatments provide precision laser treatments for today’s most common aesthetic and dermatologic skin concerns to quickly give you a clear complexion.

PhotoRejuvenation targets redness such as tiny veins and brown spots usually caused by sun damage. Immediately after each treatment, brown spots will darken and treated areas may be red and mildly swollen for a days. Within 1 to 3 weeks, the darkened spots will flake off and fade.  

PhotoRejuvenation provides minimal downtime and a series of at least 3-6 treatments is recommended. Consult with our licensed medical estheticians to see if this is the best treatment option for you!

FAQs on PhotoRejuvenation

What is PhotoRejuvenation?

PhotoRejuvenation is the most advanced aesthetic technology that combines 2 powerfully precise lasers to target and eliminate vascular concerns (redness, unsightly veins) and benign pigmented lesions (age spots, sun spots, discoloration) on the face and body.

What does PhotoRejuvenation treat?

PhotoRejuvenation treats nearly twenty unique aesthetic and dermatologic skin concerns. The most common treatments include rosacea, facial and leg veins, age/brown spots, and acne scars.

How does PhotoRejuvenation work?

Your medical esthetician selects 1 of 2 lasers and customizes the treatment settings to target the color and depth of your skin concern. Most treatments are finished in just a few minutes.

What are the benefits of photorejuvenation?

For most procedures, PhotoRejuvenation provides quick treatments with best results within just a few days. Most procedures only take 5 to 10 minutes but some may take up to 45 minutes.

How many treatments are required?

Most treatments require only 1 to 3 treatment sessions. The number of treatments varies based on your condition. Your medical esthetician will discuss a customized treatment plan during your consultation.

Is the treatment painful?

PhotoRejuvenation treatments can feel similar to a rubber band snapping against skin. Depending on the procedure, a cooled treatment tip will be in contact with the skin to protect and provide comfort to the area.

Are there any side effects? What about downtime?

Redness and/or swelling is expected following treatment and usually resolves within a few days. Treated brown spots darken and slough off within 3 to 6 days. For full face treatments, swelling peaks 24 to 48 hours post treatment and usually resolves within a few days. Typically, you can wear make-up and return to normal activities immediately. Your provider may recommend a topical steroid to reduce swelling as needed.

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